Sunday, 13 February 2011

The Deeper Side To Life And Its Arts

When I mention Martial Arts, people will assume the ideology of fighting and the hurting of others. Martial Art has a deeper side.. and like me only a few will be able to appreciate that quality. The hidden side of the combat arts is a place where you will find peace and a sense of self worth that is unlimited in its treasure. It advances above the offensive and techniques that we will all practice in our quest to become martial artists. For the non martial artist the benefits are immense as mentioned.

Meditation - To help calm the mind and relax the body. I use this method every day when the energies of my emotions fight to get the better of me. I sit quiet and breath deeply through my nose and fill my abdomen, focusing on my dantium just below the navel. I then can clear my mind.

Tai chi/yoga or any slow relaxing movement- This type of movement can be done by anyone with good imagination and focus. Just move gently in all directions promoting the blood flow, this will help with your ‘chi’ which means air or life force. People scoff at the mention of these words, but words make books and books make people and people who make books make people happy and pass on learning so pick the bones out from that baby then! If you have some books or knowledge of tai chi ‘Grand Ultimate Fist’ then train because its one art you can take into your wisdom years as we never become wise..only become wiser.

Books - Does not matter if its fiction non-fiction as long as you read. The worlds greatest people read. I can read lots of books at the same time, and I enjoy writing too. I really have a natural strong respect for man, woman and child who make it a past time to read. It’s relaxing yet expands your own minds to make the pictures, and like going to the movies it’s a form of escapism. We all can create and have all been created so all the mind needs is direction and focus. We all have so much energy, if left to its own it will divert us into a depressive state or a hyper active nature which both, if at extremes can be damaging to those around us. So..emotions need discipline and I need a cuppa so bye for now and thanks for reading.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Music To My Ears..

'The sound visits my eardrum from waves of a speaker
greetings like 'Nice to meet ya'
end of the song like ASTA LA AVISTA
feeling inside just come alive, force and drive
like bees leaving their hive
some take a nose dive
into depths that hurt with every beat break curse
words speak a verse
love hate and in between intermingle
every album or hit single
memories of our days past
today just can't be assed
we are like a diary
an open or shut case
with an aging face
it makes the world turn this music..
turn it on listen to it use it.'

Friday, 21 January 2011

Turning Corners

Expectation is our faith for the following, but life has corners for us all to turn. Each at a different place or city in the mind of life. At times we are uncertain about whats around each corner,but that's what makes it interesting and scary at the same time. We can all take steps to promote an awareness so that we can at least have a goal or an idea to whats to come and what we are looking at facing when turning those corners. It could be sticking up for yourself or starting that course or book you keep putting off. It may be to call it a day on a relationship or begin a new one?
It also can be the unexpected and see what comes your way. The good thing is that there will be corners coming along through your life and it is..your life. Eating better, taking exercises or just working on a better you for yourself, friends and family. Just don't turn the same corner to many times as you will have to come back and turn it over and over again and then you, this post and the corners of life would serve no purpose ;)

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Across The Water..Under The Moon

'Gliding freely I travel scanning all that is to be surveyed. Time holds no place for I feel free, the moon is guiding me as I reflect off the waters surface. It's frightening but delightful to experience..a paradox. I wish not to follow blindly only lead the way that I am discovering. I learn as I progress and it feels elating. I will refrain from dropping below this surface as I can see what type of predators wait, and I will refuse to go into the sun..altering my course. All I feel is warmth, the love for life, the hug of compassion from within. I am aware of that chill that continues to track me for it won't catch me..can't catch me. My thoughts progress at a faster speed than light accelerating external space, they manifest a nest for the very best. Lock me in a room and I will create a freedom that only I can enter, where the best doormen are dead hard. Always creating in and for life and never against it. Those who are welcomed in are protected and loved in heaps..limitless love..warm all around and inside. Idea's, thoughts and actions..a better place, a better person than yesterday, last week..last hour. I love it here.'

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Happy Days

'Today is going to be great and can be, I am alive and in this time. Smiling and joking will see us through to some great moments. Family and friends ever at the ready, love is all you need to be free and complete. We all have made it through the womb so this our wildlife and we are the beast. Our own musical prefrences we adore and enjoy. Life does have its brick walls and boggy parts that try and bring us down, like you need telling. I'm not too sure why I'm writing this..just love to get my thoughts down. Those who find this too much or crap..fair play you still have my respect. For those that enjoy a read or to further their own reality..thank you. It's your call, your life..get some happy days!'

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Lost Little Boy

I used to watch this lost little boy grow through school carrying fear and lacking confidence.
He made friends well but always felt alone..he was never popular and felt almost invisible to the naked eye.
He dreaded going home from school every day to a drunken mother who was the victim of her own energies..through the violence he'd learned to hate her,fear her..but love her.
I witnessed this lost little boy with a pale complexion rise from his own darkness and educate his own creativity.
He would write his own stories after his homework and relish in the reward of what his own mind was capable of.
I seen him mould his skinny body into one that was more useful and could be used to defend his self and loved ones.
I felt he was finding his way, his spirituality in a deeper void of the one he felt trapped in.
I stood back along the way as he found his own courage, and surrounded by good people learned how to control his darkness and turn the energy into positiveness as easy as he was built for negativeness.
Others did not see..'him' they failed to detect the powerful force that this simple not so flashy boy possessed.
As he grew stronger he lost a lot of his fears, his torture.
I could feel his pain of losing a parent but gaining a whole universe surrounding the other.
He has become a man now and although he still has demons, he knows that it's a part of being human and being alive.
Now he lives to serve others, to be the best for himself and the world.
He knows himself better than anything, yet he is still a mystery to himself.
I feel at ease knowing he has found a steady place.
That lost little boy still visits me from time to time...

Sunday, 9 January 2011

The Way That We Go

'Just because they go that way does not mean that we should follow, we guide ourselves through guidance from those that chose to oppose. Just how a Goldfish will grow if you place it in a larger bowl, just like my puppie with more room for freedom, for living. More skin to grow in, more layers to shed, more moments to own. When you choose to exist beyond time frames, beyond what we have been programmed to know, to divorce ourselves from the trap of everydayness. This place is he universal mind. The mind is your mind, just yours alone. Train it, use it make it strong, make your body in tune to all natures.
I'm here in the 'now'
I choose and blessed with the way I understand myself to know that this human form we all have is just that..for this 'now'
I'm thinking about the after 'now' or the before 'now' where I cannot be stopped..will never cease to occur..where I will flow from one form of energy into another. I refuse to become a still 'now' person who lives moans and then dissolves, I won't allow myself that disrespect. I work hard every day to stay afloat, to battle back my darkness that tugs away at my inner core. I have flashing moments where I wonder what it would be like to just live on one level...
to just chat about football, the weather and moan.
I don't like football.
I have struggled to fit in
I have fitted in
I adore people who I can have a conversation with, who are not afraid to touch emotion, hidden truths and inspiring depths, and I love how that makes me feel accepted. We are all great, all have something good to share, to nurture..and the more I discover more doors to my chambers..I realise I'm not all that different either.'