Sunday, 9 January 2011

The Way That We Go

'Just because they go that way does not mean that we should follow, we guide ourselves through guidance from those that chose to oppose. Just how a Goldfish will grow if you place it in a larger bowl, just like my puppie with more room for freedom, for living. More skin to grow in, more layers to shed, more moments to own. When you choose to exist beyond time frames, beyond what we have been programmed to know, to divorce ourselves from the trap of everydayness. This place is he universal mind. The mind is your mind, just yours alone. Train it, use it make it strong, make your body in tune to all natures.
I'm here in the 'now'
I choose and blessed with the way I understand myself to know that this human form we all have is just that..for this 'now'
I'm thinking about the after 'now' or the before 'now' where I cannot be stopped..will never cease to occur..where I will flow from one form of energy into another. I refuse to become a still 'now' person who lives moans and then dissolves, I won't allow myself that disrespect. I work hard every day to stay afloat, to battle back my darkness that tugs away at my inner core. I have flashing moments where I wonder what it would be like to just live on one level...
to just chat about football, the weather and moan.
I don't like football.
I have struggled to fit in
I have fitted in
I adore people who I can have a conversation with, who are not afraid to touch emotion, hidden truths and inspiring depths, and I love how that makes me feel accepted. We are all great, all have something good to share, to nurture..and the more I discover more doors to my chambers..I realise I'm not all that different either.'

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