We each have our own paths to walk in this life. We all share life but have our own life also. I have the ability to practice martial arts and write short stories, others will have different gifts. As life is hard to us and we all need to provide for our families, we should not lose faith and sight in taking the time to develop what we were born with. I have such a long way to go and at times do get discouraged. I find though that after I work out or write, the mist has lifted and I feel more me again. Unless you are leaving for the moon anytime soon, you are stuck here so it makes sense to use what you were born to do weather your poor or rich. Another lesson I am learning is that you must become something in order for it to really work for you. Martial arts can help instill depth and focus, but the real essence of being will ultimately come from you-yourself. What once was a thought has now become an action and it is up to us to work at things and see them through. Do whatever you need to in order to stimulate yourself, even if you have to judge the world. Just keep anything that could damage others to your self and project a positive mind set no matter what you are going through, nobody can truly destroy us, only we can accept defeat. Whether we like it or not, we all exist on this planet. Some of us choose to do good, others bad, but we are all together and alive and life its self is the greatest fight we will ever face. After we leave this place we will be doing something else.
I wish you all the very best of love, because luck is only a word.